The harmful effect of caffeine on students

The harmful effect of caffeine on students

Students, until they are in school, are not avid caffeine users. They might have a coffee now and again but will never drink it regularly. That is because until they were in school, they never had so much work on their plate. But the minute they set foot in college or university, they start to drink coffee and energy drinks. Most students search for write my assignment cheap only so they can sleep peacefully while someone else does their work for them. Students who do not avail this professional service suffer at the hands of their teachers as they have to complete unreasonable amounts of work by staying up late trying to get it all finished and submitted on time.

When students stay up late, they only get a few hours to sleep and rest. All that starts to take a toll on their mental and physical health and in the end, makes them tired and groggy. To keep themselves awake and active, students turn towards coffee and energy drinks since the caffeine in them does that job for them. But in the long run, that caffeine is not suitable for them. An average college student drinks a minimum of 2 cups of coffee per day, and that amount increases during exam season. Low diet, lack of sleep and caffeine make for a bad combination and ends up disrupting the whole body.

The hidden truth about caffeine:

Many students are under the impression that caffeine will help them stay active and fresh. In reality, caffeine increases your heart rate and only makes you lose sleep. It will prevent you from falling asleep, and once your brain cannot sleep, it will feel tired. The caffeine will not help it to stay fresh and active but will only make you feel less sleepy and that in turn will make you even more cranky and groggy. So, if you think that caffeine will help you feel fresh during the day, then it is a huge mistake which will do more harm than good. If you are wondering all the things caffeine does to your body, then keep on reading.

The harmful effects of caffeine on students:

• Stomach Cramps:

Caffeine is not easily digestible. Yes, coffee is known widely for being a fantastic laxative, but in the long run, if you keep drinking multiple cups of it during the day, you will find that your stomach will be upset. You will feel bloated and might even have to go to the bathroom more often than you usually do. It will also make you pee more since caffeine is a stimulant and will aggravate your body functions. It might even end up making you sick, and nauseous, especially if you haven’t had anything to eat before you drink your coffee.

• Constant Jitteriness:

Caffeine in your body makes your dopamine level increase. If those levels get higher than their normal range, they will make you feel jittery, and you will find your muscles jittering and twitching from time to time. If you have light skin and can see your veins, you will notice that they will look brighter and will be pumping ferociously, especially if you had 2 to 3 cups of coffee on a day. You will not be able to sit still and will continuously feel like you have to do something. The caffeine causes that in your coffee, so if you do not want that, go for decaffeinated coffee.

• Anxiety and palpitation:

Yes, that is correct. Caffeine will make you more anxious and often you will find yourself getting stressed out over the little things you see when your mind is hyper and charged way more than it should be, it will divert you and will make you think things which you do not want to pay any attention. But when the dopamine levels increase in your body, you will notice that your mind will start racing and will think of all the things you do not want to pay any attention to. The more anxious you will stay, the worse it will get for your body.

• Trouble sleeping and insomnia:

Caffeine users will have trouble sleeping, no matter how tired they are, when your body becomes accustomed to staying awake forcefully. You will find it extremely difficult to go to bed no matter how hard you try. Your body will try to stay awake since that is how it has been conditioned. Many students tend to stay awake at night, and then they get insomnia and cannot sleep on time. All this ruins their schedule and makes it harder for them to focus and operate without coffee or caffeine. It prompts them to take sleeping medication which then later turns into an addiction. It is a whole cycle which is hard to end, so make sure you monitor your caffeine intake.

• Reliance and addiction:

When you use something for long, your body will get used to it and will make you want to use it all the time. The same goes for caffeine when you train your body to have coffee every day. You will find yourself relying on it way more than you should. At times, even when you have had enough sleep, you will notice that you are not as productive as you used to be, which will make you want to get caffeine again. All this reliance on a substance isn’t right as it creates an addiction which then makes it extremely tough to get rid of. Do not let this habit become an addiction since you might end up having to fight hard to get rid of it.

Final thoughts:

Anything that makes it challenging for you to work and operate without it is not a good thing for yourself. Human bodies are capable of change, and if you see yourself relying on one thing far too much, that is not a good thing for you. Make sure you monitor your caffeine intake and do not exceed the one cup of coffee a day. If you love the taste of it, opt for a decaf version since it will fulfil your cravings and will make you productive on your own.